rw4 (RenderWare 4) model and texture files (from OGRE3D XML format and DDS format respectively) with packages, making part creation possible for the first time. package files, with automatic conversion of. You can make your own modification in it.Unfortunately, the tool has been rendered obsolete, and is no longer supported by the modding community, being replaced instead by the magnitudes-more-advanced. SporeMaster was, in the very early days of Spore modding, the go-to tool for the job, combining the functions of a Package Packer-Unpacker, Text File Editor and Model Viewer. SporeMaster Note: This tool is no longer supported or in active development, it is not advised to use it. Several tools have been made since Spore's release that allow for the creation of custom Packages, which translates to user modifications. 9.1 Note: This mod is clearly broken and can break the mod Dark Injection, it is not advised to install it.7.1 Note: This mod is now broken and barely functional, it is not advised to install it.5.1 Note: This mod is now broken and barely functional, it is not advised to install it.

4.1 Note: This mod is now broken and barely functional, it is not advised to install it.3.1 Note: This mod is now broken and barely functional, it is not advised to install it.2.1 Note: This mod is now broken and barely functional, it is not advised to install it.1.1.1 Note: This tool is no longer supported or in active development, it is not advised to use it.